Mexico Cancun

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How to Get From Washington, D.C. to Cancun

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Washington to Cancun

Washington, D.C., to Cancun is a popular tourist route, with many different ways to travel. Here is a detailed guide on how to get from Washington to Cancun, including driving, flying, and taking a bus.


Driving is the most flexible way to travel from Washington to Cancun. The total driving distance is about 2,200 miles, and the drive time is approximately 30 hours. The route takes you through several states, including Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, and Mexico.

The first leg of the drive takes you from Washington to the Mexican border. The best route is to take I-95 south to I-10 west. Once you reach the border, you will need to cross into Mexico. There are several border crossings to choose from, but the most popular is the Laredo-Nuevo Laredo crossing.

Once you are in Mexico, the drive to Cancun is relatively straightforward. The best route is to take Highway 180 east. The drive takes about 16 hours.


Flying is the fastest way to travel from Washington to Cancun. There are several airlines that offer direct flights between the two cities, including Delta, American Airlines, and United Airlines. The flight time is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes.

The cost of a round-trip flight from Washington to Cancun varies depending on the time of year and the airline. However, you can expect to pay between $400 and $600.

Taking a bus

Taking a bus is the most affordable way to travel from Washington to Cancun. There are several bus companies that offer service between the two cities, including Greyhound and Turimex. The travel time is approximately 3 days and 12 hours.

The cost of a one-way bus ticket from Washington to Cancun varies depending on the bus company and the time of year. However, you can expect to pay between $200 and $300.

Washington to Cancun 1

What is the best way to travel from Washington to Cancun?

The best way to travel from Washington to Cancun depends on your budget and travel preferences. If you want the most flexibility and freedom, driving is the best option. If you want the fastest and most convenient option, flying is the best option. And if you want the most affordable option, taking a bus is the best option.

How long does it take to drive from Washington to Cancun?

The total driving distance from Washington to Cancun is about 2,200 miles. The drive time is approximately 30 hours.

How much does it cost to fly from Washington to Cancun?

The cost of a round-trip flight from Washington to Cancun varies depending on the time of year and the airline. However, you can expect to pay between $400 and $600.

How much does it cost to take a bus from Washington to Cancun?

The cost of a one-way bus ticket from Washington to Cancun varies depending on the bus company and the time of year. However, you can expect to pay between $200 and $300.

What are the border crossing requirements for driving from Washington to Cancun?

To cross the border from the United States into Mexico, you will need a valid passport and visa. You can apply for a visa at the Mexican embassy or consulate in the United States.

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