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How to get from Detroit to Cancun

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Detroit to Cancun

There are a few ways to get from Detroit to Cancun. The most common way is to fly. There are direct flights from Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW) to Cancun International Airport (CUN) on several airlines, including Delta, Spirit, and American Airlines. Flight time is approximately 4 hours and 30 minutes.

How much does it cost to fly from Detroit to Cancun?

The cost of a flight from Detroit to Cancun varies depending on the airline, the time of year, and how far in advance you book your tickets. However, you can generally expect to pay between $200 and $500 for a round-trip ticket.

How long is the flight from Detroit to Cancun?

The flight from Detroit to Cancun is approximately 4 hours and 30 minutes.

What is the time difference between Detroit and Cancun?

Cancun is one hour ahead of Detroit. So, if it is 12:00 pm in Detroit, it will be 1:00 pm in Cancun.

How do I get around Cancun?

The best way to get around Cancun is by taxi or bus. You can also rent a car, but be aware that traffic can be heavy in the Hotel Zone.

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